Candy Girl



Year: 2005
Genre: 3A-Adult Anime Adventure

Platform: Win 98, 2000, XP, Vista
System requirements: The game is in window mode 800 x 600
Publication Type: license
Language: English only
Crack: enclosing
Censorship: no

Description: Japanese imagination knows no bounds!
Tired of anime and hentaynyh games, for you are the 3D? sick!? And we will give you brand new — a game in which the main characters were real rubber dolls! But what! Imagination is boundless. A Japanese the more … Dolls often look better living Japanese girls.

There are girls for whom it is necessary, apparently, to look Smile In turn, they will thank you, but too explicit scenes you did not see! Although it’s possible I have not mastered all the subjects and peripitii game.

Game size: 765 mb